Friday, June 22, 2007

The second season of gardening is going well. Megan brought a cabbage plant home from school, and it made a very nice head. There's nothing like fresh vegetables from the backyard!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

We hiked to the top of Table Rock Mountain, which was 3.6 miles one way and a rise of about 1,000 feet. (I left out the pictures of us gasping for air and limping around afterward.)

Adam and I went camping for a couple of days in Table Rock State Park near Greenville, SC. Beautiful!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Samantha has officially completed her first year of school. Congrats to the graduate!

Alex turned 4 on May 16! He's now old enough to move from a toddler car seat to a camouflage big-boy seat!

Samantha's kindergarten class put on a play called "Stone Soup" recently. Samantha sang and danced and did a wonderful job!

This year, both girls got to participate in their school Field Day. They both won ribbons and had a lot of fun!